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Performance appraisal of concrete dams based on observation data

ZHUANGWan- kang, LU Zheng- chao, LI Li- bing and et al.   

  • Online:2007-10-28 Published:2007-10-28


庄万康, 卢正超, 黎利兵, 赵春, 李素梅   

  1. 中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100038

Abstract: Regarding the performance appraisal of concrete dams in operation, some aspects were discussed in this paper, such as the feature of observation data, methods of interpretation and analysis, criteria for performance appraisal, and requirements to be met in safe and normal operation.

摘要: 扼要介绍了混凝土坝监测量的测值特性、分析方法, 大坝性态判断准则, 并提出大坝正常运行的要求等内容。