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Dam safety management: the challenge of PFMs and the opportunity of a PFMA

S.Samuel Lin   

  • Online:2007-06-28 Published:2007-06-28

水坝安全管理: 溃坝模式之挑战与契机

林祥钦( 美国)   

Abstract: The PFMA (potential failure mode analysis) has been developed as a neweffective tool towards a dynamic platform for dam safety management. The PFMA process should be appropriately applied by both performing the proper methodology and, blending their knowledge, skills and experiences together to accomplish far more than the members of a core team could have achieved as individuals. A dedicated teamwork, in well communication, coordination, cooperation and collaboration, has been proven as an essential factor to the success in this methodology application. Some PFMs( potential failure modes) and corresponding remedial measures are provided in this paper as typical examples for various types of dams under static, hydrologic, and seismic loading conditions.

摘要: 潜在溃坝模式分析方法论( PFMAMethodology) , 是对水坝系统进行安全风险“总体检”所采用的一种高、广且深的新分析管理工具。PFMA 不仅是方法论技术本身( 硬件) 的应用, 也是使用和发展该项技术配套观念( 软件) 的建立与延伸。简言之, 除娴熟该方法论之外, PFMA 技术应用是否成功, 还建立在水坝安全管理人员全面的专业素质基础上, 包括专业技术和敬业精神, 以及与人和谐相处、共同努力达成工作目标的团队精神。本文提供几种不同坝型在PFMA 方法的框架下,考虑静力、水文和地震三种荷载,