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Rehabilitation of the No. 1 diversion tunnel at Lianhua hydropower station

LI Yan- long   

  • Online:2007-04-28 Published:2007-04-28

莲花水电站1 号引水隧洞补强加固处理


  1. 牡丹江水力发电总厂, 黑龙江牡丹江 157000

Abstract: The two diversion tunnels of Lianhua hydropower plant were rebuilt fromdiversion holes. This was the first time in the construction history of large- sized hydropower projects in China. It was of the benefit of short construction period, less investment and greater economic profit. The paper summarized the operation for feedback to design, it was of great meaning.

摘要: 莲花水电站的两条引水隧洞是由导流洞改建而成, 这在我国大型水电站工程建设中尚属首次, 既节省工期又节约投资, 取得了较大的经济效益。本文旨在及时总结其运行情况, 反馈设计, 指导今后的设计。