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Application of comprehensive anti- seepage techniques in Huanggang reservoir

LIU Shang- ling   

  • Online:2007-02-28 Published:2007-02-28



  1. 福建省龙岩市黄岗水库管理中心, 福建龙岩 364013

Abstract: Comprehensive anti- seepage consolidation technique has some advantages, such as full, symmetrical and reliable cutoff wall, fine anti- seepage effect and quick construction with little investment. Huanggang reservoir as a typical project provided an example for the popularization of this technique.

摘要: 水库大坝综合防渗加固技术具有投资省、防渗墙体连接均匀完整可靠、防渗效果好、施工速度快等特点。通过黄岗水库的实践, 为该项技术的推广提供了一个典型实例工程。