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Concrete quality control in summer at Jiezhukou hydropower station

SHEN Zhong- tao and ZHOU Ting- zhi   

  • Online:2007-02-28 Published:2007-02-28


沈仲涛, 周廷志   

  1. 中国水利水电第十二工程局第四分局, 浙江金华 321027

Abstract: Because the foundation concrete pouring was in summer, the high temperature caused the problem of crack control. By optimization of the concrete mix proportion, the lowering of concrete pouring temperature, proper storehouse arrangement and striking time as well as crack treatment measures, the concrete pouring quality was controlled.

摘要: 界竹口水电站由于基础混凝土浇筑在高温季节施工, 带来了混凝土的防裂质量问题。项目通过优化混凝土配合比、降低混凝土浇筑温度、混凝土表面保护、合理安排仓位和安排拆模时间及出现裂缝的处理措施等几方面入手, 对混凝土质量进行控制。