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Research on the urban function zoning divide based on fuzzy clustering

ZHU Zhi-lin   

  • Published:2006-12-31



  1. 嘉兴市规划设计研究院,浙江嘉兴 314050

Abstract: This paper explained the basic concept of urban land use function zoning, basic principle of dividing function zoning and the character of each. It described the basic idea and character of fuzzy clustering method, expressed the basic flow and detailed steps to divide urban function zoning using fuzzy clustering method. The key point is the selection of indices and the confirmation of similar coefficient. This paper took Xinrong district of Datong city as an example, analyzed the aggregation result, which was about the application future of fuzzy clustering method.

摘要: 阐述了城市土地利用功能区的基本概念、分区的基本原则和各个功能区的特性,简述模糊聚类分析方法的基本思想和特征,详述了运用模糊聚类进行城市功能区划分的基本流程和具体步骤,重点是指标的选取和相似系数的确定。以大同市新荣区为例对模糊聚类在城市土地利用功能分区上的应用进行实例研究,并对聚类出来的结果进行了客观的分析,分析了所研究内容的应用前景和作用。