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Sludge from drain hole of drainage gallery at the spillway foundation of Hongmen hydropower station

MENG Zai- jing and WU Xin- xiang   

  • Online:2006-08-28 Published:2006-08-28


蒙在京1, 吴新翔2   

  1. 1. 江西三和电力股份有限公司, 江西南昌 330006; 2. 江西三和洪门水电厂, 江西鹰潭335000

Abstract: This paper briefly analysed the sludge from the drainage gallery, as well as some basic data related with the sludge. The genesis of the sludge was discussed. The analysis indicated that the genesis of sludge fromgallery drain hole was complicated. They could be the clay fromthe upstreamclay blanket or the secondary dam at the left side, or the filled materials from the joint fissure of the foundation rock mass. They also could be the mixture of the three materials above. The author thought that the deficiencies should be treated.

摘要: 本文简要分析了排水廊道析出物及与之相关的基本资料, 对析出物的成因进行了探讨。分析认为, 廊道析出物成因复杂, 可能来自上游粘土铺盖、左侧副坝粘土和基础岩体节理裂隙的充填物, 或是三者的混合物, 并认为必须对工程缺陷进行及时处理。