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Dynamic control of flood control level at Jiangya reservoir

LIU Shi- jun   

  • Online:2006-08-28 Published:2006-08-28



  1. 江垭水库管理处, 湖南长沙 427221

Abstract: Based on the study of installment floods and runoff distribution in flood season at Jiangya reservoir, the time period partition and control level were determined for the dynamic control of flood control level. Newoperational scheme for flood season was executed. During the real time reservoir regulation, the operational patterns of dynamic control of flood control level were adopted, such as the short- time extra- impounding and pre- discharge before flood, as well as impounding the flood tail. Therefore, the remarkable social and economic benefits were gained.

摘要: 在对江垭水库分期洪水、汛期径流分布进行分析研究的基础上, 确定了汛限水位动态控制的时段划分及控制水位, 执行了新的汛期运用方案。在实时水库调度中, 运用“短历时超蓄、洪前预泄”、“拦蓄尾洪”等汛限水位动态控制运行方式, 取得了较好的经济和社会效益。