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Development of Qingshan reservior real - time safety dispatching system

GE Cong- bing, LI Lei, PENG Xue - hui and ZHANG Shi- chen   

  • Online:2006-04-28 Published:2006-04-28



  1. 南京水利科学研究院, 江苏南京 210029

Abstract: Along with water resources gradually reducing, the using of flood resources becomes more and more important. Flood dispatching has changed from the flood prevention and damage lessening to the using of flood resources as more as possible. Qing-Shan Reservoir Real- time Safety Dispatching Systemis a flood dispatching system, which offers the most optimistically dispatching schedule of flood control concerning the using of flood resources assuring the damsafety.

摘要: 随着水资源的日渐匮乏, 洪水资源利用也越来越重要。洪水调度也从单纯的防洪减灾向结合洪水资源利用方向转变。青山水库实时安全调度系统是一个以洪水资源利用为目的, 在保证水利工程安全前提下, 提供最优调度方案的洪水调度系统。