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Application of multi-beam sounding system in reservoir storages survey

YAN Zhang-lin and FENG Lei   

  • Published:2006-12-31



  1. 浙江华东水电测绘有限公司,浙江杭州 310030

Abstract: Through analysis and comparison of the advantages and disadvantages between traditional underwater topography survey and multi-beam sounding system, it can be found that the multi-beam sounding system has advantages such as simple, quickly, precise, diversity and intuitionistic. The paper advanced the idea that the multi-beam sounding system is an executable and effective method in underwater topography survey, and worthy of recommending.

摘要: 本文通过对水库库容测量的两种方法:传统水下地形测量法和多波束测深系统优、缺点的全面分析、比较,得出多波束测深系统在水库库容测量中具有方便、快捷,精度高、生成成果多样化、直观性强等优点。提出多波束测深系统测量水库库容是一种可行且应大力推广的高效率测量方法。