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Study on electronic map browsing strategy design

YANG Nai and ZHU Zhi-lin   

  • Published:2006-12-31



  1. 1.武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,湖北武汉 430079;2.嘉兴市规划设计研究院测绘所,浙江嘉兴 314050

Abstract: Electronic map is a new kind of map product. There is no uniform criterion and standard for its making. Therefore, it is necessary to study the laws and rules of electronic map design and production. This article discussed the strategy for the electronic map browsing through two aspects: interface design and the map information browsing design. Some strategic methods proposed in the article are serviceable and have the guidance significance to all kinds of electronic maps design. These strategies are not only suitable for the common electronic map design but also suitable for the design of touching-type electronic map, web electronic map and so on.

摘要: 电子地图是一种新兴的地图产品,它的制作还没有统一的规范和标准,因此,有必要去研究电子地图设计生产中的一些法则性问题。本文将从界面设计和地图信息的浏览设计两个方面来探讨电子地图的浏览策略问题。文中提出的一些策略方法适用性强,对于各类电子地图的设计制作都具有指导性意义,这些策略不仅适宜于一般电子地图的设计,而且也适宜于触摸屏式电子地图、网络电子地图等的设计。