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Treatment on the concrete crack of tail tunnel No.2 in Shisanling pumped storage station

PENG Tao, BAO Zhi-qiang and ZHEN Li   

  • Online:2005-12-28 Published:2005-12-28



  1. 1.北京十三陵蓄能电厂,北京 100220;2.中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038

Abstract: The tail tunnel No.2 in Shisanling pumped storage station has operated for many years, it has been found that there were large numbers of circumferential and longitudinal crack in the concrete lining when empted for inspection, those cracks will affect the tunnel safety operation and concrete endurance. By means of chemical grouting methods, adopting advanced equipment and technique, repair treatments have been carried out for part severe cracks, which achieved expectant effects.

摘要: 十三陵抽水蓄能电站2号尾水隧洞已运行多年,混凝土衬砌出现了大量的环向和纵向裂缝,这些纵向裂缝和环向裂缝的存在,会影响混凝土的耐久性和隧洞的正常运行。本文通过化学灌浆方法,采用了先进的灌浆设备和施工工艺,对北京十三陵蓄能电厂2号尾水隧洞中部分较严重的裂缝进行了灌浆处理,取得了预期效果。对类似隧洞混凝土裂缝的防渗堵漏及补强加固具有借鉴意义。