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Monitoring analysis on the right-bank high slope of Longtan hydropower station

YANG Dong-sheng and JIANG Rong-mei   

  • Online:2005-12-28 Published:2005-12-28



  1. 1.华东勘测设计研究院,浙江杭州 310014;2.龙滩水电开发有限公司,广西南宁 530023

Abstract: The geological structure of the slope at the right-bank of Longtan hydropower stationis very complex. It has a large district which was deeply air-slaked and eroded rock-earth.damage case or potential harm situation have occurred many times and a huge volume of slope slide took place during the course of construction. The cases were under being monitored and predicted to prevent or minimize loss in order to ensure construction activity safety. Now the slope condition trends to be stable according to the analysis of monitoring results after it was improved strength by anchorage cables and piles.

摘要: 龙滩工程右岸高边坡地质条件复杂$坝后边坡存在风化深槽。施工期间,多次出现险情,并发生一次规模较大的滑坡。通过安全监测,对边坡变形动态地及时监测和预报,避免或减小了工程损失,保证了工程施工顺利。根据监测成果分析,经采取锚索和锚固洞等措施加强支护后,目前边坡趋向稳定。