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Safety evaluation on clay core of main dam in Wuchuan reservoir

SUN Jia-hua, XIAO Zhi-qiao, and LV Le et al.   

  • Online:2005-12-28 Published:2005-12-28


孙嘉华1, 肖志乔2,吕乐3, 陈志江4   

  1. 1.上海勘测设计研究院, 上海 200434; 2.上海市水利工程设计研究院, 上海 200063; 3.浙江省水利厅, 浙江杭州 310009; 4.湖南省水利厅, 湖南长沙

Abstract: There has been abnormal seepage in main dam of Wuchuang reservoir, the soil apply to the dam and rolled quality have not been strictly controlled, which lefe perils for the project. In this article calculation and check were carried out for seepage and stability of main dam, and the safety is evaluated as well.

摘要: 乌川水库大坝主坝渗流状况异常,其上坝土料和碾压质量没有严格控制,给枢纽工程留下了后患,针对这一问题,对主坝渗流与稳定进行计算和校核,并对大坝的安全性进行评估。