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Application of siphon pipe to small reservoir reinforcement

HONG Qi-zhang, ZHAO Wei-ren, YU Xin-xiong and ZHAO Yu-gui   

  • Online:2005-10-28 Published:2005-10-28



  1. 1.杭州萧山水利水电勘察设计所,浙江杭州 311203;2.杭州萧山钱塘江排灌总站,浙江杭州 311201;3.杭州市萧山区水文总站,浙江杭州 311201

Abstract: There are 89 dams of small reservoirs which need reinforcing located in the Xiaoshan district of Hangzhou city, among which cracks appeared on the pipe body and aftermath seepage owing to the bamboo reinforced concrete, ceramic material, soil cement and concrete adopted. In this article, the reinforcement selection on design, construction and quality control are introduced. Today, siphon pipes have been used in two thirds of reservoirs that need reinforcing, the operation shows that application of siphon pipe is not only safe and reliable, but can save the cost.

摘要: 杭州市萧山区89座需除险加固的小型水库,由于坝底涵管分别采用竹筋混凝土涵管、陶瓷涵管、三合土涵管和混凝土涵管,且多数涵管出现管身裂缝和渗漏现象,已成为大坝的严重隐患,需要进行改造。本文对涵管更新改造方案的选择,虹吸管的设计、施工和质量控制等进行了介绍。虹吸管己在2/3的需除险加固的小型水库中安装使用,使用结果表明,虹吸管不仅运行安全可靠,而且节约投资,经济效益十分显著。