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Discussion on the problems while implementing specifications and regulations

SONG En-lai   

  • Online:2005-10-28 Published:2005-10-28



  1. 国家电网公司东北公司,辽宁沈阳 110006

Abstract: Several problems while implementing specifications and regulations are presented in this paper. If the overflow need to be considered during flood dispatching, how to coordinate and dispatch if that there could be reservoirs with lower flood standard in series of hydropower stations or many small-size ones on the branch river upstream, could the outdated specifications have been used after the new ones are put into effect? Could there be any limitations on the height of wave wall? Those problems, if which not be solved well, will menace the dam safety performance.

摘要: 介绍了在执行规范和规程中遇到的几个问题:洪水调度中,机组过流要不要考虑;梯级水电站中有标准较低的水库或上游支流有众多的小水库,其间如何协调,对洪水如何调度;新规范颁发后,还能不能采用原规范;对坝顶防浪墙有否高度限制等,并对这些问题进行了初步探讨。这些问题如果不能很好地解决,将会影响大坝的安全运行。