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Repair on emergency gate at the bottom scouring sluice No.10 in Gongzui hydropower station

SHEN Ding-bin and YANG Zhi-ming   

  • Online:2005-08-28 Published:2005-08-28



  1. 国电大渡河公司龚嘴水力发电总厂,四川乐山 614900

Abstract: To repair the emergency gate at the bottom scouring sluice No.10,we adopt floating gate system to block the bottom outlet automatically in 60 m underwater to make the repair construction in the dry,which proved to be successful.This paper briefly introduces the key technologies used,along with its features,applicable evaluation and commercial prospective in hydropower sector.?

摘要: 龚嘴水电站10号底孔检修门段修复,采用了浮体闸门系统坝前深水60m以浅自动封堵底孔进水口,形成旱地施工条件之后进行检修门段洞内修复的施工方法并获得成功应用。本文介绍了该工程中的几项关键技术,简要分析了各自的特点及其在水工建筑物水下工程中的应用价值及商业前景。