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Application of HK mortar in reinforcing the water tunnel in Lotus hydropower station

JIANG Hong-bing   

  • Online:2005-08-28 Published:2005-08-28



  1. 牡丹江水力发电总厂,黑龙江牡丹江 157000

Abstract: This article has compared the performance and price of mortar which used in concrete surface protection in reinforcing the water tunnel No.1 in Lotus hydropower station.The selection of HK meets the requirement of abrasive resistance,and it is satisfactory with the convenient construction and lower cost.?

摘要: 通过对莲花水电站1号引水隧洞补强加固工程中混凝土表面保护砂浆的性价比分析,选用HK 砂浆可满足隧洞的抗冲磨要求,而且施工简便,工程造价低。