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Analysis on the ageing of concrete dams

SONG En-lai   

  • Published:2005-06-28



  1. 东北电网有限公司,辽宁沈阳 110006

Abstract: The concrete dams have incessantly changed in physical and chemical properties as the increase of dam age. The ageing condition will be exposed in a certain time after a period of operation and become worse and worse, and out of function in the final. This article has analyzed the phenomena on the concrete dams based on some cases and discussed primarily how to prevent ageing.

摘要: 混凝土坝随着坝龄的增长不断地产生物理性和化学性变化,到一定时期其老化现象就显露出来,且越来越严重,最后失去其使用功能。本文通过几个工程实例,对混凝土坝老化现象进行初步分析,并就如何预防老化进行了初步探讨。