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Experiment on feasibility of filling grouting in the slope repair in Dalangdian dam

ZHANG Jin-xiao   

  • Published:2005-06-28



  1. 大浪淀水库管理处,河北沧州 061504

Abstract: By analyzing on the dam slope failure of homogenous earthfill dam with concrete lined at its inner side, this paper performed grouting experiment in small area in order to reason the feasibility of filling grouting technically and effectiveness reliability. The test is aiming to select the best construction method for larger area application in the future.

摘要: 对内坡施行混凝土衬砌的均质土坝发生塌坡现象进行分析,通过小面积灌浆试验,论证充填灌浆在技术上的可行性,效果上的可靠性,选择最佳施工方法,为今后大面积施工积累经验。