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Attempt to improve repair technology for hydraulic concrete structures

XING Lin-sheng   

  • Online:2005-04-28 Published:2005-04-28



  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,杭州 310014

Abstract: For the past decades, we have accumulated a large quantity of experiences on the technology of hydraulic concrete structure reinforcement based on experiment and project practices.In order to meet the requirement of treating the defects of a great many of reservoirs and dams and water gates currently.challenging the technical difficulties of the treatment of oversize dam and water conveyance projects, we should make scientific experiment, design, construction, material and management combined, paying attention to evaluation, analysis, optimization, plans, mending standardization's pace, training more skilled engineers good at hydraulic structure and material properties to improve the reinforcement technology anew level.

摘要: 几十年来,通过试验研究和众多工程实践,我国在水工混凝土建筑物修补加固技术方面,积累了许多宝贵经验。当前,为适应大量病险水库、大坝、水闸的缺陷处理需要,迎接超级高坝、超长调水工程缺陷处理技术难题的挑战,科研、设计、施工、材料和管理部门应多学科交融渗透共同攻关,重视评估分析优化处理方案,加快标准化、规范化步伐,培养出大批既熟悉水工结构又了解材料性能的复合型人才,把我国水工混凝土建筑物修补加固技术提高到一个更高的水平。