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On design of reinforcement for Changsha dam

XIAO Hua-wen, JlANG Yi-lan and JIN Lei et al.   

  • Published:2005-02-28



  1. 长江勘测设计研究院,武汉 430010

Abstract: The experiences of cement-rubble masonry reinforcement seem to be pretty lack at present. This paper based on the dam safety appraisal report for Changsha dam,using original design data, has compared a variety of reinforcement schemes on dam, stilling basin, scour outlet and discharge sluice, dangerous rock body, flood-control road, one scheme is selected and reinforcement has been carried out according to the scheme. This article mainly introduces the reinforcement of primary structures.

摘要: 浆砌石坝尤其是浆砌石拱坝的除险加固,目前经验较少。本文以长沙坝水库《大坝安全鉴定报告书》为基础,利用原设计资料,对大坝、消力池、冲砂孔与放水孔设施、左岸危岩体、防汛公路等项目的加固进行了方案比较,推选出适宜的加固方案,并据此进行加固设计。本文重点介绍了长沙坝水库主要建筑物加固设计,可供同行参考。