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Study on level displacement observed during the reservoir in Dachaoshan project

ZHAO Yong   

  • Published:2004-12-28



  1. 水利部天津水利水电勘测设计研究院,天津市 300222

Abstract: The ability to bear of the dam is pmofed really during the first reservoir, so the monitoring is especially important in the phase, the whole safety of the dam reflects on the level displacement, therefore, the study of the level displacement observed on gravity-dam during the reservoir is important the results of the level displacement monitoring on the dam tip and base are introduced, the dam states are analyzed and appraised in this article.

摘要: 初次蓄水是对大坝承载能力是否满足设计要求的真正考验,此阶段的监测尤为重要。混凝土坝的水平位移反映了大坝的整体安全度,因此,分析大坝蓄水期间水平位移的变化规律具有重要意义。文中介绍了坝顶及坝基水平位移的监测结果,并对大坝的工作性态进行了分析和评价。