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Rock mass acoustic emission on high slope of TGP’s ship lock

YU San-da and CHEN Xu-chun   

  • Published:2004-08-28



  1. 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司,湖北宜昌 443133

Abstract: The paper introduces the application of rock mass acoustic emission techniques on high slope of TGP double-line five-grade ship lock, and the preliminary analysis on the rock mass acoustic emission result. The monitoring result shows that rock mass acoustic emission energy on high slope of ship lock is very low,and is often happens during excavation;the rock mass acoustic emission events decrease rapidly, the current value is nearly zero, while the side-slope support is finished, it proves the rock mass of side slope is in the steady condition. The rock mass acoustic emission monitoring techniques of ship lock has got good effect, so it provides experiences for other projects on rock mass acoustic emission monitoring of high slope.

摘要: 本文介绍了双线五级船闸高边坡岩体声发射监测技术的应用情况,并对声发射监测成果进行了初步分析。监测成果反映,双线五级船闸高边坡岩体声发射能量较低且大多发生在开挖期间,随边坡支护工程完成,岩体声发射事件迅速减少,目前基本为零,表明边坡岩体处于稳定状态。双线五级船闸高边坡岩体声发射监测技术的应用取得了良好的效果,为今后其它工程高边坡岩体声发射监测积累了经验。