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Elastic waves measuring method on dam foundation surface of TGP

PENG Qi-you and OUYANG Dai-jun   

  • Published:2004-08-28



  1. 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司,湖北宜昌 443133

Abstract: By using the sonic wave and the seismic wave, the foundation rock holding layer on-spot testing of TGP has been performed. The results show that the sonic wave speed of spillway foundation rock exceeding 5 km/s(Kv>0.67) occupies 89%, and the one exceeding 4 km/s(Kv>0.53) occupies 89%. The results match with the excellent and good class rock Es ratio of design and adoptive rock quality.?

摘要: 应用声波及地震波对三峡工程坝基建基岩体持力层进行现场检测。检测结果泄洪坝段建基岩体持力层声波波速值大于5km/s(Kv>0.67)占89%,波速大于4km/s穴K>0.53雪占89%,与设计提出和采用的岩体质量分级优、良级岩体所占比例(80%)一致。