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Dynamics monitoring on the gates and valves at TGP’S ship lock

DENG Hao,YU San da and CHEN Xu-chun   

  • Published:2004-08-28



  1. 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司,湖北宜昌 443133

Abstract: This paper introduces some findings in dynamics monitoring of the gates and valves at TGP permanent ship locks in the pumping test. It indicates that under the design water head condition, the ogee gates work safely in operation, miter gates can open and shut steadily.?

摘要: 主要介绍了三峡永久船闸抽水调试期间闸、阀门动力学监测成果。监测成果表明:在设计水头运行条件下,反向弧形阀门在启闭过程中运行是安全的,人字门在启闭过程中运行平稳。