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Dynamic monitoring on arc-shaped flood gates in TGP’S flood sluicing section

WANG Wei-min and CHEN Xu-chun   

  • Published:2004-08-28



  1. 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司,湖北宜昌 443133

Abstract: In this paper, the monitoring of the vibratory characteristics of the arc-shaped service gate in the bottom hole for leading water and the deep hole for sluicing flood in the TGP is introduced in detail. The finding in monitoring of the gate’s vibration caused by the drastic flowing when the bottom hole is sluicing is also introduced. The monitoring indicates that the range of the fluctuating pressure in the bottom of the gate is rather large when the bottom hole is narrowly opened in the course of gates opening and shutting in flowing water. The resting stress in the blade and cantilever of the gate is acceptable, the dynamic stress is very small; and the vibratory acceleration of the gate is rather small, The destructive vibration has never happened.?

摘要: 本文系统地介绍了三峡水利枢纽导流底孔、泄洪深孔弧形工作闸门的动力特性检测情况及导流底孔泄流时对闸门产生的流激振动检测成果。检测结果表明,在动水开门和关门全过程中,在底孔闸门小开度时,闸门底缘的脉动压力幅值较大;闸门门叶和支臂上的静应力在允许值之内,动应力很小;闸门的振动加速度较小,没有发生危害性振动。