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Analysis on monitoring results of anchoring in the excavated slope for TGP’s ship lock

ZHOU Shao-wu and YAO Hong-bing   

  • Published:2004-08-28



  1. 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司,湖北宜昌 443133

Abstract: In this paper, the mechanical conditions of anchors in the excavated slope at the TGP double-line five-grade ship locks are analyzed. Research points out that the stress of the anchor is primarily influenced by the slope excavation.At present, the stress of the anchor in the high excavated slope, vertical slope and unstable blocks is usually less than 50 MPa.In the navigation test in 2003, the stress of the anchor rod did not change much. The anchor rod in the high excavated slope can stabilize the slope very well, the deformation of the slope is restricted after installing these anchor, and the overall slope is stable. The stress and deformation are in design range, and it works normally.

摘要: 本文对三峡双线五级船闸边坡的锚杆锚固受力状态进行了分析。通过分析认为:锚杆应力主要受边坡开挖的影响。高边坡、直立坡、不稳定块体锚杆应力目前一般在50MPa以下。船闸2003年试通航运行期间锚杆应力变化影响不大。双线五级船闸高边坡的锚杆对边坡的支护加固效果较好,实施后边坡的变形扩展得到了控制,边坡整体是稳定的。应力和变形均在设计允许范围内,工作性态正常。