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Introduction of new hydroscope and its application to embankment monitoring

PAN YU-Ling, Jean BERNARD and LI Zhen-yu et al.   

  • Published:2004-02-28


潘玉玲1,Jean BERNARD2,李振宇1,熊玉珍3,甘涛4   

  1. 1:中国地质大学地球物理与空间信息学院,武汉430074;2:法国地质调查局IRIS公司,奥尔良市;3:中国地质大学地球物理与空间信息学院,北京100083;4:中国华联国际服务联合有限公司,北京100044

Abstract: Detecting underground water with surface NMR is the only new geophysical method of directly detecting underground water at present. The method has the features of a new principle, good economy and quickness, and gives a new means for quantifying hydrogeological investigations. In this paper the principle and features of the method are discussed shortly and application results in detecting shallow groundwater and dam monitoring with light hydroscope by examples are given.?

摘要: 地面核磁共振(SNMR)找水方法是目前唯一直接找水的地球物理新方法。这种方法原理新颖,经济、快速,为水文地质工作量化提供了新手段。本文简述了该方法的原理、特点,通过实例说明了轻便型找水仪在浅层地下水勘察和堤坝监测等工程地质方面的应用效果。