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Method on shallow earth temperature measuring for fast detecting seepage in dikes

JIN Xu,Zhuner Duxiong and CHEN Xiao-dong,et al.   

  • Published:2004-02-28



  1. 1.吉林大学,长春市 130026;2.日本国京都大学防灾研究所;3.中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038

Abstract: This paper described the primary difference of underground water existing between in term of exploration of underground water resources and control of geological disaster resulting from underground water flowing.The former considered underground water to be homogenous stratified distributing, the later to be distributing with flow vein along some tectonic weak positions. The difference between underground water temperature distributing with flow vein and normal earth temperature below surface 1m can result in abnormal temperature in measuring process. Therefore,the method to measure shallow earth temperature can be used to detect flowing underground water with depth and scale in some extent. Shallow earth temperature is influenced by surface temperature change everyday and every year, topographic change, elevation change and surface feature change, so it should be corrected. This method was carried out in Yuqiao reservoir dam, results showed that the seepage paths and parts of dam inferred were tallied well with observational data.

摘要: 本文论述了地下水资源勘探开发和流动地下水成因地质灾害防治中地下水存在状态模式的根本区别:前者认为地下水是“层状均一”分布,后者认为沿着某些构造薄弱部位以“流脉”状分布。“流脉”状分布的地下水温度和1m深正常地温的差别可以引起足够大小的温度异常。因此,可以利用浅层地温测量来探查具有一定埋深和规模的流动地下水,为防治灾害提供科学依据。浅层地温受到地表气温的日、年变化、地形变化、高程变化和地貌变化等的影响,应对实测值进行相应校正。天津市于桥水库大坝进行1m深地温现场测量,经各项改正后,推测出大坝渗漏的路径和部位