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Performing perambulation and inspection to ensure dam safe operation

ZHANG Qi-chen   

  • Published:2003-12-28



  1. 安徽省电力公司,合肥 230061

Abstract: Perambulation and inspect io n is the first step for monitoring dam safety operation. This paper based on specific requirement regarding perambulation and inspection in Technical Specification for Concrete Dam Safety Monitoring further described the significance of implementing dam safety perambulation and inspection and its main items on which should be posed and some cautions.?

摘要: 巡视检查是监视大坝安全运行的首要环节,本文依据《混凝土坝安全监铡技术规范》关于巡视检查的具体要求.进一步阐述做好大坝安全巡视检查的重要意义、应重点做好的主要项目内容及有关注意事项。