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Analysis and comparison on fault wave recorders at home and abroad

ZHOU Xing-jun,LUO Jian and DING Wang-lin   

  • Published:2003-12-28



  1. 1.白溪水库水力发电厂,浙江宁波 315606;2.南京自动化研究院中德保护控制系统有限公司,南京 210003

Abstract: Fault wave recorder is an important basis to analyze system malfuction.This article based on foreign fault wave recorders, along with domestic familiar ones regarding describes its arrangement, structure and function. This paper, combining the shortcomings and merits of products with its key technologies of data acquisition, starting decision,measuring fault distance and analytical software, came up with some suggestions on improving property of wave recorder equipment.?

摘要: 故障录波器是分析系统故障的重要依据。本文对国外厂商生产的故障录波器和国内常见的故障录波器的配置、结构、功能进行了论述。在比较和分析了国内外产品的长处和不足的基础上,结合故障录波器数据采集,启动判据、故障测距、分析软件等关键技术,提出几点关于提高录波装置的性能的建议。