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Monitoring analysis on concrete jointly loading of scroll case

YU San-da,YAO Hong-bing and CHEN Xu-chun   

  • Published:2003-12-28



  1. 中国长江三峡工程开发总公司,湖北宜昌 443002

Abstract: This paper analyses joint stress in g of scroll case concrete. Result has shown that the main factors, which influen ces the joint cracks between scroll case and surrounding concrete, steel, stress, stress of surrounding concrete and reinforcing bar. During operation to power, monitoring result has a small range under active loading. Monitoring data change mainly as the water fluctuates. Stress and deformation are within the range of allowable design. Dam operates in the normal condition.?

摘要: 本文对蜗壳混凝土联合受力进行了分析,通过分析认为:影响蜗壳与混凝土的结合缝、钢板应力、周边混凝土和钢筋应力大小的主要因素是内水压力。在机组发电试运行期,在上部活荷载作用下,监测成果各量值变化不大。在蜗壳充水过程中,各监测效应量主要随术压而变化。应力和变形均在设计允许范围内,工作性态正常。