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Reviews on progresses of data analysis and information processing

ZHANG Jin-ping   

  • Published:2003-12-28



  1. 中国水利水电科学研究院结构材料所,北京 100038

Abstract: In this paper the recent progresses in the methods for observational data interpretation and information processing techniques in dam safety monitoring are reviewed and the modifications in the chapter “Compilation and Interpretation of Observational Data” of the Technical specification for Concrete Dam Safety Monitoring are also discussed.?

摘要: 本文对大坝安全监测中资料分析方法及信息处理技术的若干进展情况做了介绍,并对《混凝土坝安全监测技术规范》中“监测资料的整理整编和分析”章节的部分修改及有关问题进行了讨论。