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Study on downstream scouring dents of Chencun Arch Dam

Xing Lin-sheng   

  • Published:2003-08-28



  1. 国家电力公司大坝安全监察中心,杭州 310014

Abstract: In Chencun Arch Dam ski-jump energy by opposite scouring at two sides is taken, downstream river basin experienced scouring equivalent that of a100-year return flood, two scouring dents are formed respectively at two sides. Analysis of scouring dents developing trend and geological condition contrast all indicated that the abnormal phenomena of depth of scouring dent at left side and location of the deepest point is caused by unfavourable influence owing to a large fault. At present the left dent that not endangered the stability of foundation rock of toe, but endanger the access road of left bank, should be treated duly.

摘要: 陈村拱坝采用两侧挑流对冲式消能,坝后河床已经历接近100a一遇洪水的冲刷,左、右两侧各形成一个大冲坑。冲坑发展趋势分析、原型与模型对比分析、地质条件止反分析一致表明,左侧冲坑深度和最深点的位置都有异常现象,其主要原因是一条大断层的不利影响。目前左坑尚不危及坝趾基岩稳定,但对左岸进厂公路已构成威胁,必须及时加以处理。