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Safety analysis on dam seepage in Huangpo Reservoir

Zhang Xiao-yuan and Li Chang-cheng   

  • Published:2003-08-28



  1. 武汉大学水利水电学院,武汉 430072

Abstract: This paper has summarised practical analysis and interpretation methods by systemically analysing the prototype seepage observational data of Huangpo Reservoir, which will be of benefit to evaluate the operation condition of earthfill dam, and reached primary seepage behaviour of reservoir. It has also found the abnormal seepage problems and perils existing in dam, which are used for reference for dam safety operation and reinforcement.?

摘要: 本文通过对黄坡水库大坝的渗流观测资料进行系统的整理和分析,从实用的角度总结了渗流观测资料的整理和分析的方法,以利于对土坝的运行状况进行评价,得出了黄坡水库大坝渗流基本性状,找出了大坝存在的异常渗漏问题及渗流安全隐患,为大坝的安全运行及陈险加固提供了基本资料。