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Model analysis and model test for ovevflow plain gate in Dahua Dam

Jiang Jian-guo,Xie Jin-ji and Zhu Zhao-wu,et al.   

  • Published:2003-06-28



  1. 1.水利部水利机械质量检验测试中心,杭州 310012;2.大化水力发电总厂,广西大化 530800

Abstract: This paper has analyzed the characteristics of structural self-vibrating of plain gate equipped in overflow section in Dahua Hydropower Station by means of the technology of finite element simulation analysis and vibrating simulation experiment. The study has shown that gate deformation is not directly resulted from the gate’s self-vibrating owing to the pressure by wind and wave. This paper has a special reference to diagnosis of gate vibrating malfunction.?

摘要: 本文应用有限元模态分析技术和振动模态试验技术,研究广西大化水电站溢流坝平面工作闸门的结构自振特性,研究表明并非纯风浪压力引起闸门“共振”造成面板局部变形故障。?更多还原