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Experiment on weir overflow and hole overflow in spillway gate of Andi Reservoir

Shang Kun,Zhao zi-chun and Gao Qin grong et al   

  • Published:2003-06-28



  1. 山东临沂市水利局,山东临沂 276004

Abstract: According to the operating of Anti Reservoir spillway gate, results of model experiment and field observation as compared with theoretical calculation have been made and got the relation formula between weir overflow and hole overflow. The weir overflow extended to the discharge control of gate and successfully applied in the Andi Reservoir.?

摘要: 根据岸堤水库溢洪嗍的工程实例,通过模型试验和现场实测对比理论计算得到孔流与堰流的关系式,把堰流的试验结果推广到闸门控制泄流上,取得成功。该方法可广泛应用在类似水库溢洪闸中。