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Analysis on unsteady seepage stability for Liujiaxia Secondary Dam

Ma Yi, Huang Jian and Gao Chengzhong, et al.   

  • Published:2003-06-28



  1. 1.甘肃电力试验研究所,兰州 730050;2.刘家峡水电厂,甘肃永靖 731600;3.甘肃电力公司,兰州 730050

Abstract: The law of observed water level change in piezometric tube is analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the stability of soil core wall dam on the unsteady seepage is studied.?

摘要: 分析了刘家峡黄土心墙坝测压管实测水位变化规律,研究了黄土心墙坝在非恒定渗流下的稳定性。