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Raise phenomenon of an arch dam abutment judged by 4 geomechanics model tests

Li Zan   

  • Published:2003-06-28



  1. 国家电力公司西北勘测设计研究院,西安 710054

Abstract: There are several discontinuous planes dipping upstream in the abutment rock mass of an arch dam. Through the geome-chanics model tests No.1, No.2, No.3 and No.4, the upward sliding phenomenon of the abutment of the arch dam in model has been found from both positive and negative aspects. As the structure measures of the resistance and control over the upward raise are tak-en gradually from test No.1 to No.4, the degree of overload safety of the dam enhances from less than1.5~1.7 P0 to 3.5~5.4 P0 or 3.5~4.5 P0 which is acceptable. The main cause is that the inverse sliding of the rock mass of the upper plate occurs. Being different from the upward sliding along the foundation contact surface, it develops along the discontinuous plane dipping upstream in the rock mass.?

摘要: 本坝坝肩地基中有倾向上游软弱不连续面,通过1号、2号、3号和4号模型试验,分别从正、反两方面说明模型拱坝发生了上滑(抬)破坏现象。从1号到4号模型,由于不断地增加了垂直向的阻控上抬措施,致模型中大坝超载破坏安全度由低于1.5P0~1.7 P0,增加到了可以接受的3.5 P0~5.4 P0或3.5 P0~4.5 P0。上抬主因是f上盘岩石基础沿该面发生逆向滑移。不同于沿坝基接触面,它是另一种沿地基内软弱不连续面发生的上滑。?