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Overview on internal monitoring design of compacted concrete dams

Guo Jin-gen and Li Ai-ming   

  • Published:2002-12-28



  1. 上海勘测设计研究院科研所,上海 200434

Abstract: This paper mainly described the current state of internal monitoring item design of Chinese compacted concrete dams, also introduced the situation overseas,monitoring items includes stress, strain, seepage pressure, temperature, cracks, et, al. It presented the same and difference of internal monitoring instruments arrangements by comparison, and finally put forward the commends.?

摘要: 主要阐述了国内碾压混凝土大坝内部观测设计的现状,也介绍了部分国外的情况,观测项目主要包括应力应变、渗透压力、温度、裂缝等。通过对比分析,给出了国内外内部仪器布置的异同点,最后也提出了作者的几点想法。