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Analysis on command of stage in flood period and limiting water level in Luhun Reservoir

Hao Jing-wei, Jia Hua-le and Sun Mi-bo   

  • Published:2002-08-28



  1. 陆浑水库灌溉工程管理局,河南洛阳 450006

Abstract: Stage in flood period is a topic being studied to resolve for the reservoirs located in the area at which stormrain characteristic has clear seasonal difference and control to benefit contradictory is quite prominent. Reasonably ultilizing stage is a prerequisite to bring the social and ecnomic benefits into full play.Lunhun Reservoir’s practice for many-year control suggested that stage and limiting water level in flood-period at present were beyond reasonable. In this paper, it was analyzed and discussed the fuzzy set analysis method used to calculate stage and limiting water level at each stage in flood-peroid.?

摘要: 汛期分期是地处暴雨特征有明显季节性差别地区且防洪与兴利矛盾相当突出的水库必须研究解决的课题。合理地分期控制运用是充分发挥水库的社会效益和经济效益的前提。陆浑水库多年的调度运用实践证明:目前实行的汛期分期及限制水位控制运用尚不尽合理。本文用模糊集合分析法对陆浑水库的汛期分期及各分期的限制水位推求进行了分析和探讨。