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Treatment for cracks and displacement on upper dam of Lushuihe Hydropower Station

Fan Shi-rong   

  • Published:2002-06-28



  1. 绿水河水电厂,云南个旧 661414

Abstract: During construction, the cracks and displacement in the dam body of Lushuihe Hydropower Station resulted from water level difference being as three times large as the design allowable difference in dam body. Since then, unsafe factors have been eliminated through engineering measures necessary taken and proper control to operation, which have ensured station in safety operation.?

摘要: 绿水河水电站首部枢纽上坝在施工过程中,因承受3倍以上的设计允许水位差,导致上坝坝体出现裂缝、位移的严重事故,事故后通过采取补强加固工程措施及控制运行工况,消除了事故隐患,保证了电站的安全运行。?