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Study on lag influence of environment factors on dam seepage monitoring

Guo Hai-qing, Zheng Dong-jian and Wu Zhong-ru   

  • Published:2002-06-28



  1. 河海大学水利水电工程学院,南京 210098

Abstract: By introducing the lag effect function of environment factors around a dam,the lag influence of water level and rainfall on seepage survey values of the dam are considered. Based on the lag-influence theory, the monitoring model including lag-influence factors is established. Practical examples show that the model is available for reflecting the water level and rainfall’s lag-influence on seepage values of dams and its precision is quite satisfying.?

摘要: 通过引入瑞利分布函数作为环境量对大坝渗流观测量的滞后影响函数,充分考虑了库水位、降雨、温度等因素对大坝渗流的滞后影响,并由此建立了大坝渗流监控的环境量滞后影响模型。实例分析表明,该模型能较好地反映库水位等环境量因素对渗流的滞后影响,模型精度和预报效果优于不考虑滞后影响的一般模型。?