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Summary on integrity study for Fengman Dam

Song En-lai   

  • Published:2002-06-28



  1. 国家电力公司东北公司,沈阳 110006

Abstract: There are no key-ways made in the upper longitudinal joints in Fengman Dam and no grouting before impounding. Poor binding in horizontal joints, a variety of cracks are existed in dam body. All those will have a certain effect on its integrity. Fengman Dam has been reinforced comprehensively since1987, so its integrity has improved and strengthened. Many companies have been charged to study its integrity. This paper introduced the all results from different companies and made an integrated analysis on it.?

摘要: 丰满大坝纵缝上部未设键槽,蓄水前又未灌浆;水平施工缝结合不好,坝体还有各种裂缝,对整体性有一定的影响。丰满大坝于1987年开始进行了全面的加固,整体性得到改善和加强。丰满电厂委托多家进行整体性研究分析,本文介绍各分析成果,并进行综合分析。