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Definition on construction diversion standard and type of division structure of Lingjintan Project

Zhong Ping   

  • Online:2002-04-28 Published:2002-04-28



  1. 武汉大学水电学院,湖北武汉 430072

Abstract: According to the hydrological features of the river and the requirements of project construction, the diversion structure standard and type shall be scientifically chosen, which play the role of controling to the successful construction of the project. Considering the above-mentioned, the diversion standard and project designed originally are modified significantly during construction, by the scientific proof. The project is successfully experienced the extreme Hoods from Yuan River for many times during construction. The successful construction oi Lingjintari project shows the importance of practical consideration, scientifically proof and proper decision.

摘要: 根据河流的水文特性和枢纽工程建设的需要,科学、合理地选择导流工程标准和型式,对工程的顺利建设往往起着控制性的作用。凌津滩工程正是基于上述考虑,经科学论证,施工期对原设计的导流标准和导流工程做了重大修改,成功抵御了施工期沅水发生的多次特大洪水袭击和考验,确保了工期。凌津滩工程的顺利施工,充分说明在建工程在确定导流标准和导流工程上从实际出发、科学论证、正确决策的重要性,其经验可供其它在建工程借鉴。