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Strengthening capital construction to ensure safety during flood-period

Yang Qin   

  • Published:2002-02-28

加强基础建设 确保安全度汛


  1. 浙江省电力公司,杭州 310007

Abstract: This paper briefly introduces the situation of flood control and typhoon control of hydropower plants, fuel-power plants and electricity-supply companies under Zhejiang Provincial Electric Power Company for ten years. It is the basis of safety spending flood-period to carry out dam safety periodic inspection to eliminate its defects, to improve the standard for flood control of fuel-power plants and electricity-supply companies, to perfect water regimen automatic forecasting system.?

摘要: 简述近10a来浙江省电力公司所属水电厂、火电厂以及供电企业的防汛防台情况,指出开展大坝定检/及时消除大坝缺陷,提高火电、供电企业防洪标准,不断完善水情自动测报系统,是安全度汛的基础和保证。