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Non-linear finite element analysis on plastic zone of soft soil dam foundation

Dai Yong-zhi and Gu Gan-chen   

  • Published:2002-02-28



  1. 河海大学水利水电学院,江苏南京 210098

Abstract: The load on dam foundation is different from trapezoidal load,either from triangular load, due to the interaction between dam body and foundation, as well the soil arch action in the dam body of dam foundation. Considering the soil self-weight action, this paper analyzed the developing regularity of plastic zone of soft soil dam foundation by means of non-linear finite element method.?

摘要: 由于坝体与坝基的相互作用(变位协调一致)和坝体中的土拱作用,使坝基所受的荷载既不同于梯形荷载,也不同于三角形荷载。本文在考虑坝基土自重作用下,用非线性有限元法分析了堤坝软土地基的塑流区开展规律。