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U.S. evolving dam safety management model

S.Samuel Lin   

  • Published:2002-02-28



  1. 美国联邦能源管制委员会

Abstract: Since the disaster of 125 deaths caused by the failure of Buffalo Creek Dam in West Virginia, U.S. in 1972, there have been 724 known dam failures, including 380 in the last five years (1998 statistics). At this rate, another 50 dams may fail each year at an average annual cost to the nation of 525 million according to the National Performance of Dam Program, Standford, California. The program was developed largely based on lessons from tremendous losses associated with dam failures. This paper narrates for your reference a few programmatic elements that have been adopted for the practice of the program. A Chinese proverb says, “viewing another’s good quality is a means whereby one can remedy one’s own defects.” In lieu of learning the “hard way” from the US’s experience, Spirit of an old Chinese expression of “taking the precaution after suffering a loss is never too late” is reflected in the aforementioned reformed Model State Dam Safety Program. As a common vision, therefore, dam safety regulatory oversight must be considered as a professional practice to prevent the hazards of unsafe dams by taking protective measures in advance and timely remedial actions as needed for the public safety. It is a basic understanding that preventive approaches taken initially in a proactive mode and remedial measures taken typically in a reactive mode can reasonably ensure the safety and welfare of the public.

摘要: 溃坝对一般民众而言,或许还是一种天方夜谭,一种迷思,但从事水坝安全的工作者,包括业主、顾问工程师与政府法规执行者,必须要有忧患意识,不能因民众此种危机意识低迷,就疏忽甚至也误认为溃坝风险不存在。依据美国加州史丹福的国家水坝行为资料中心所提供的数字显示,自1972年西维吉尼亚州水牛溪坝溃决造成l25人丧命后,美国已知的溃坝就有742座,过去5年中即有380座(1998年资料)。如照这种情形发展下去,美国每年平均将溃决50座坝,将付出2500万美元的代价。美国从多次溃坝的灾难中吸取惨痛的教训,不断地改善水坝安