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Accident analysis and check for emergency gate of No.2 inlet of Changhu Hydropower Station

Xu Xian-liang   

  • Online:2001-10-28 Published:2001-10-28



  1. 杭州国电大坝安全工程有限公司,杭州 310014

Abstract: The emergency gate of No.2 inlet of Changhu Hydropower Station occurred four accidents of gate drop in flood season since it has been put into operation in 1970 which resulted in destroying the arm and hoist facilities and influenced the unit’s normal operation. Therefore, we have been authorized to have gate tested dynamically. This paper briefly introduced the accidents and test effect. It also briefly analyzed the cause of accident according to check result.?

摘要: 长湖水电厂2#进水口事故闸门自70年代投入运行以来,先后4次在洪水期发生闸门滑落事故,造成闸门拉杆、启闭设备损坏,影响机组正常运行,经济损失巨大。为此,受电厂委托对该闸门进行动态测试。本文简要介绍了事故情况、测试成果,并根据测试成果对2#事故闸门的事故成因做较全面的分析。